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您的位置:中國服裝面料網(wǎng) -> 服裝面料商機
【供應信息】 油絲牛仔布
發(fā)布時間: 2008年2月3日
有效時間: 2009年2月2日
Jiangsu Taizhou Zhao feng garment and accessory co., Ltd. Silk denim introduction Silk as one of the important material has been used in garment for long times. China is the earliest country to grasp the technology of feeding silkworm and using it as fabric material. The history can be traced up to 5000 B.C; Chinese high quality silk fabrics are transport to many European country through the old ‘silk road’ is known all over the world. China has made a great contribution in the field. Our company has taken several years to study the application of silk in denim fabrics. Based on the different quality and characteristics of silk material, we developed the silk denim with weight range between 5oz – 12oz; The silk denim series include spunsilk denim series, silk inter-weaving series, silk-blended denim series, silk stretch denim and so on. Undisputedly, the silk-made denim shows a special great hand-feel effect, appearance effect and wearing effect. These special effect can not be gained from cotton-made denim and chemical fiber-made denim; Our company has a very stable silk denim production line and do hope these high grade denim can bring much more development opportunities for our client; Contacter: li9g ADD:508-5-205#HaiLingNan road jiangsu taizhou.china Fax:+86-523-86342689 Tel∶+86-13852864440 E-mail∶zf9g@163.com
公司名稱: 泰州市兆豐服飾有限公司
地  址: 泰州市鼓樓北路40號
郵  編: 225300
聯(lián) 系 人: 李九哥
電  話: 052386342689
傳  真:
網(wǎng)  址:


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